Thoughts and Tutorials on Programming, Software Engineering, and Computational Science
SQL Server Indexing: Part 3 – Implementing and Testing Indexes
In part 1 of this series, we learned about the basics of indexes, what they do, and what they’re for. In part 2, we talked about query plans. We learned about reading query plans so that we could understand how SQL Server goes about retrieving the data we ask for. This is an important first…
SQL Server Indexing: Part 2 – Reading Query Plans
Welcome to part 2 of SQL Server Indexing, in part 1, we learned the basics of indexes and the difference between clustered and non-clustered indexes. In this part, we’re going to learn how to read and interpret query plans, which will help us decide where to put indexes (or how to restructure our queries).
SQL Server Indexing: Part 1 – Understanding Indexes
Database indexing, often the go-to solution to database performance issues, is a much more complicated than we realize at first thought. The solution to just “slap an index on the column” is not optimal, and often times may even harm performance more than help. Before we get too deep into how indexing works, lets talk…
How To Work With Memory Optimized Objects in SQL Server
Good morning everyone, today I’m going to show you how to make memory optimized tables and natively compiled stored procedures. First, I’ll talk about why you might want to use these things, then we’ll just dive straight in to how to do it. Relevant Video If you don’t feel like reading all of this, I…
Erik’s Code Space
Hello everyone, it is currently July 15th of 2019 and I’ve decided to start a blog related to the things I learn while on my journey to being the best software engineer I can be. As of today, I’m one day away from starting my second programming job after being in the industry for about…